Just Do It – Nike’s mantra to get us into the gym, hitting the court or the pavement! Three simple words pushing us towards success. Yet, in a world of immediate gratification, we often forget the secret ingredient of consistency, plus a sprinkle of reality that our goal could take years to achieve. Research says it takes anywhere from 21-66 days to form a new habit, as well as to break a bad habit. I am all for setting goals and the mind over matter attitude needed to stick with it, but three to nine weeks is a little more daunting than practicing a few new shots and thinking I’ve perfected my swing, jump shot or bulls-eye.
Maybe the better inspirational quote should be Just Do It…Again.
Plus, discipline translates to success in athletics and beyond. I bet we all can think of a young attorney or accountant friend quickly climbing the partner ladder. Can you think of a US President who was the first in their family to graduate college? (most recently Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton). Can you name a girl born in poverty to a teenage mom, skipped three grades and becomes American’s first black woman billionaire? (Oprah Winfrey). Or what about a female intern that stayed in her seat to become CEO and Chairman, bonus points if you know she is also the first African American woman to head a Fortune 500 company? (Ursula Burns of Xerox). Each of them goes after it…Again and again.
Determination. Discipline. Grit.
Before you kick yourself for already giving up your New Year’s Resolution, consider what got in your way: did you get pulled out of your desired routine from sickness (like the infection I always catch by Jan 14), did you get a new injury (somehow bodies pull, tear and break quicker once you reach your 40th birthday!) or did a work/school deadline change up your plan (why is the team finding out at 3pm in Friday that we have a 9am presentation on Monday?). That’s just how life works.
Get back at it. Practice over and over. Try it Again!
I appreciate how the yoga instructor starts each session with telling us to set our intention. This reminder allows me to clear my mind, focus on the next movement and push myself to hold the position longer. Trust me, there are days that my tree pose feels like it’s in a wind storm but because I’ve shown up another day and set my mind to be present, I am improving my balance and flexibility. I cannot do hand stand yet, but I can hold my crow longer!
Did you know we are designed to work? Ancient proverbs teach:
- All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. Hebrew Scripture Bible reference
- Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid. Hebrew Scripture Bible reference
- As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Hebrew Scripture Bible reference
We are six weeks into the new year, go back to your resolution or commit to a new one. You got this. Just Do It…Again!
*Need a Pep-Talk? Watch Miracles 4min clip The Name on the Front is more Important than the Name on the Back
*Looking for deeper intentionality? Read “Going to God even in the Garage Rafters”