When a Believer Closes Their Eyes For The Last Time


Recently, I was given the opportunity to research what Heaven will be like, with the focus: “What happens when a Believer closes their eyes for the last time?” Regardless if you are young or old, healthy [...]

When a Believer Closes Their Eyes For The Last Time2021-10-15T15:37:06+00:00

Do You Struggle to Believe? Let God Reveal Himself to You.


Being a teenager brings about new experiences, new friends, new boundaries…and new pushbacks. While my hope for our teen son and daughter is that they will avoid too many permanent scars, I know that [...]

Do You Struggle to Believe? Let God Reveal Himself to You.2021-10-15T15:23:55+00:00

What God has Joined, Let No One Divide (Thoughts From our 21st Anniversary)


“The grass is greener where you water it.” I heard this on a podcast recently and it cracks me up. How many areas of my life have I gotten bored, frustrated, or fed up, [...]

What God has Joined, Let No One Divide (Thoughts From our 21st Anniversary)2021-10-15T15:18:03+00:00

Boutique and Trunk Show Shopping – You’ll Be Hooked


As the temperatures heat up and more people are vaccinated, many of us are excited to go out and to put on pre-quarantine attire. First stop - shop your closet. With athleisure styles hanging [...]

Boutique and Trunk Show Shopping – You’ll Be Hooked2021-06-04T18:54:31+00:00
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